Mobile advertising WebIT

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In the last months, at all the online events I attended, there was something about mobile advertising. I am very interested in it because, in oposition to regular online advertising that I know quite well, mobile advertising is new for me, as I never used it first hand.

Most of those speaches about mobile advertising gave no relevant, useful, practical information to me. Not the one Alexandra Deutsch had today at WebIT.

Alexandra worked on practice, the best way to get the message to the audience. She presented several real campaigns. As a summary because I am very tired, she gave us:

1. Goals:

– creating / increasing brand awarness

– promoting new products

– sales

– creating direct marketing database

– creating viral buzz

2. Means:

– banners on mobile version of the web sited

– SMS push on existing company clients

– lottery / contest

– free download of audio / photo / video products

3. Results:

– 1,5% to 10% CTR on banners (compared to under 0,5% CTR in regular banner online campaigns)

– 9% CTR on SMS

– 17% sales increase

– 15% to 28% newsletter / database opt-in

– 5 to 40% content download

– 2% to 15% conversion rate

And most important of all: now I do know when, what and how I can use mobile advertising for my projects.

I spoke to Alexandra about Romania. They operate in 10 Europeean Countries, Bulgaria included, but not in ours, as neither Orange nore Vodafone were open to share basic data and protocols with them. Stupid! 🙁

This is #45 live blogging post in WebIT Sofia 2009.

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14 Responses to “Mobile advertising WebIT”

  1. MILLY says:

    In Romania pana acum mobile advertising s-a tot facut, parerea mea destul de prost. Nu cred ca oamenii de marketing au inteles exact care este ideea. As fi chiar intrigata sa vad daca stie cineva o campanie de acest fel care sa fi fost facuta bine si la noi

  2. mace says:

    scuze de offtopic, jobuim-as si n-am cui! hire me! detalii aici:

  3. Selena says:

    Poate ca in ceea ce priveste marketingul in online, chiar si social media romania mai misca,insa in materie de mobile advertising mai avem de invatat. Nu prea cred ca romania va ajunge in curand acolo unde se afla USA in ceea ce priveste mobile advertising-ul, iar unul dintre motive ar fi ca la noi cei care au internet pe mobil nu-s chiar majoritari

  4. victor says:


    Inscrie-te pe

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  5. Finas Eugen says:

    Conferintele astea tre sa fie extrem de interesante. Banuiesc ca sunt inca multe de invatat, in special pe partea de mobile advertising.

  6. Mia says:

    Foarte interesant postul tau. Mobile advertising face parte din uneltele unui marketing modern.

  7. Iliovici Olga says:

    Mobile advertising este viitorul. In statele unite este extrem de folosit. La noi..mai puti, dar ajungem noi si acolo

  8. Billy Boy says:

    Ce exista la noi sub numele de mobile advertising este mai mult spam primit pe mobil. Nu avem inca oameni care sa stie sa faca asta bine

  9. Radulescu Ana says:

    asa cum am invatat sa facem marketing online o sa invatam sa facem si mobile advertisin, este doar un domeniu mai nou pentru noi

  10. Mihnea says:

    Am eu un exemplu de mobile advertising..campaniile electorale, se folosesc de ceva ani de acest mod de a comunica

  11. Margeanu Sorin says:

    daca mobile advertising in romania inseamna a trimite sms uri aiurea pot spune cu mana pe inima ca este un soi de publicitate care nu-mi place

  12. Andra says:

    Ca tot vorbim de mobile advertising, mai primeste cineva sms-uri enervante de la vodafone? pe mie ma spameaza constant

    • Dorian Lucian says:

      Da,, vodafone ma chinuie si pe mine cu sms uri, dar nu cred ca asta inseamna mobile advertising..sincer

  13. Mariana says:

    pana la urma lanoi nu exista mobile advertising..ce avem acum este un ceva facut neprofesionist

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