Imarketing @ Coca-Cola WebIT

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Coca-Cola learned to do online marketing, or Imarketing as they called it. This is bad news. I do hate Coca-Cola (the drink not the company), as I am confident it is very bad for human health and I hopped it will cease to exist in an open communication world that we start living, where people will express their instatisfaction with Coca-Cola (again, the drink). Now I am not so sure anymore …Back to the speaker, Printz M. Pinkatt (he has no title, but I think he is a senior level online marketer within the company), and his speach. Coca-Cola learned to do online marketing. They divided it into Communication Planner and Interactive Marketing.

In the communication planner they create and share the brief, which has to be consistent. Their actual message is Open Happines With a Coke, and their goal is Brand Love. They use a daily shedule of each of us, in order so send us what we want, when we want, in the form we want and by doing this they create the brand love they need instead of advertising blindness.

Interactive marketing is divided in 8 channels:

1. Social media – they see it mostly as a way to communicate. Coca-cola imarketing lets consumer rule, in order to enjoy itself. The rule is more than 70% user generated content and less than 30% Coca-Cola global, regional or local message. For example, they only issue 3-5 tweets/day on Twitter, but they receive and respond to about 190.000 tweets and DM’s from other Twitter users each day.

2. Mobile marketing – because it’s perfect for the old Coca-Cola marketing strategy, at the reach of a hand, as there is always a mobile there.

3. Brand websites. The most important 8 brand owned by Coca-Cola have more than 160 brand sites today, but Coca-Cola plans to decrease this number to 20 by the end of 2010 in order to create a unity and coerence in sending the message.

4. Gaming. Coca-Cola is using lots of gaming for imarketing, both owned and sponsored and he showed us a nice demo that only played on Nokia and I am iPhone user so …

5. Partnership with strategic online players such as FaceBook, AOL, Google, in order to simply to advertise, but to find up what is coming next in internet

6. Global IT platforms are used to make standards and store consistent data that will then be used in CRM

7. CRM platforms work in about 25 countries (not in Romania), where Coca-Cola offers consumer rewards, like a free song at the end of the day, based on pin codes on bottles, in order to reach that Brand Love

8. New projects. Cola-Cola declares “We’re open! We want to try new staff!”

One question from the audience managed to get a figure that Coca-Cola never released before: the percentage of the global marketing budget of Coca-Cola corporation that is dedicated to imarketing (digital or online marketing) is from 10% to 20%, depending on each country and region, more specific on the country and marketing managers and how do they promote imarketing!

Another great ideea: Coca-Cola has an imarketing training school, that tries to level the knowledge on imarketing between more than 500 people involved in marketing Coca-Cola online.

In the end of this article, my very personal advice: Love Coca-Cola, but don’t drink it, is bad for your health!

This is #4 live blogging post in WebIT Sofia 2009.

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18 Responses to “Imarketing @ Coca-Cola WebIT”

  1. MILLY says:

    Pana la urma inteleg ca nu ti-ai schimbat pozitia si tot nu ai putea sa faci reclama la coca cola :))

  2. Amina says:

    Felul in care face coca cola marketing (fie el traditional, online, mobil, social media sau orice alt soi) este uuuaau!
    Eu vad o normalitate in asta, o companie de marimea coca cola ar face o mare prostie sa nu evolueze nu fie la curent cu tot ce e nou, in orice domeniu, dar mai ales in marketing. Asa ca pot spune ca nu sunt surprinsa deloc.
    Sunt insa un pic trista, nicio companie de la noi nu are cum sa ajunga la un astfel de nivel de profesionalism (iar de data asta problemele compaiilor romanesti sunt strict financiare)

  3. N. says:

    Era evident ca o companie ca si coca cola sa tina pasul cu vremurile. Sunt multe de invatat din ceea ce inseamna Imarketing-ul pentru coca cola. Merci de articol

  4. Briana says:

    Tocmai campaniile de marketing au facut din coca cola compania care este astazi. Daca nu-ti place coca cola (ceea ce e de inteles) ar trebui sa detesti si marketingul lor (desi este aproape de perfectiune) – exact marketingul a facut din atat de multi oameni consumatori ai produselor coca cola

    • Stane Vlad says:

      Cu toate ca ai dreptate partial, nu poti sa nu apreciezi marketingul unei companii precum coca cola. De la cei mari putem invata multe

  5. lili says:

    Coca cola a inventat o atmosfera speciala a craciunului printr-un marketing impecabil. Doar cu asta in minte si ..i’m sold. Sunt convinsa ca si in imarketing vor fi la fel de memorabili

  6. Alin says:

    Coca cola este printre cele mai tari companii in ceea ce priveste marketingul.Era de asteptat sa fie la fel de inovativi si in Imarketing

  7. Tomitza says:

    Cat de tari mi se pareau campaniile coca cola in perioada copilariei. Acum parca nu mai e acelasi lucru (sau poate doar am crescut). Cum tanara generatie este legata de pc, banuiesc ca pasul asta catre Imarketing este unul firesc

  8. Tomitza says:

    am crescut cu reclamele coca cola (cele de la televizor) acum banuiesc ca este randul unei noi cum pustii de azi sunt legati de pc, era normal ca Imarketingul sa fie pasul urmator pentru o companie de renumele coca cola

  9. Dana says:

    are dreptate mugur, coca cola este nociva, nu ma intereseaza marketingul lor..ce marketing poti sa faci pentru otrava?

  10. Dana says:

    are dreptate mugur, coca cola este nociva. Ce marketing sau reclama poti face unei otravi??

    • Gaby says:

      Nu cred ca se referea la asta, ci mai degraba la modalitatile de marketing si la cat de mult au dezvoltat cei de la coca cola imarketing-ul. Mie mi se pare genial

  11. alexandra says:

    Io sunt dependenta de coca cola (bautura) – poate ca nu e buna pentru sanatate, dar mie imi place. Cat despre marketing-ul coca cola mi s-a parut intotdeauna genial

    • Iorgulescu Olga says:

      Ti-s sugera sa incerci sa nu mai bei coca cola, este cred mai nociva decat drogurile. Serios, acum sunt atatea alte sucuri, care sunt macar un pic mai sanatoase

  12. Calcan Tavi says:

    I love the brand, i love the marketing..i hate the product 🙂 Coca cola sucks as a drink

  13. cony says:

    cum spunea o reclama mai veche a coca sarbatorile! Am vazut reclama ata am realizat cat de tare este marketing-ul celor de la coca cola..

  14. Jonny says:

    Coca cola e cea mai tare bautura!

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